Someplace Wild Takes San Francisco, CA | Atlanta Photographer

Man, just this title gives my spirit a boost. 

I have been anxiously waiting to share images from one of the most this incredible trips of my life. Due to the fact that I took heaps of photos, I decided to break the blog posts in two. This one is a behind-the-scenes post that encompasses all the traveling hoo-rahs and workshop in-betweens. 

The second blog post will be just the portraits I took during the live shoot at Nirav Patel & Ed Peers' "Every Wedding is an Adventure" workshop. I will go into greater detail about the what took place at the workshop too!

As you scroll through these travel photos you can see that Karli Gribble (my new intern & second shooter) and I barely slept. We took San Francisco by storm thanks to the guidance from my dear friend JD, an old friend from Ole Miss and two year resident in SF . We can't thank him enough for taking us to the best parts of such a magical town.

Karli and I has THE BEST TIME. We may or may not have laughed to the point of exhaustion, ate foreign cuisine like queens and frolicked through countless landscapes. I am so thankful that God brought her into my life!

Enjoy my friends! Be sure to check back tomorrow for more images from the workshop shoot!

Photo credit to my girl Karli for any photo taken of me :)

Thanks for viewing! Be looking for more travel posts every month -- I am making it my #1 2014 goal: to travel EVERY MONTH! #gosomeplacewild
